Radio Feature: ‘Left of Leeds’

In October, I got to chat with John Toolan, host of the ‘Left of Leeds’ radio show (featured on chapelfm). The show came out in December. You can listen to this show here as it is now part of the channel’s archives.

Topics include writing music, recent collaborations, exploring weird sounds and instruments regardless of being able to play them (!) and of course Darmstadt and the Avant Garde / avant garde.

Feature music includes: petrichor (2015) for fixed-media electronics [4’33”]; ‘It sounds an isochronism.’ (2015) Solo Piano and Optional Fixed-Media Electronics [6′]; Brief Encounter (2017), electronics, recorded sounds, drums [5’28”]; Un Alphabet Prononcé. (2023), fixed-media electronics, voice [2’44”]. The show also features snippets from the free lectures available on my YouTube channel.

You can listen to more of my music on YouTube here, and on bandcamp here.

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